Wednesday, November 24, 2021

2021 - Leadership and Gratitude


Thank you all for reading and sharing about leadership.


I am particularly thankful this year for having this great opportunity to share via my BLOG. I have had folks in 43 different countries who read and share these words that I have about leadership, servant-hood and the lessons I have gained from so many in my 57 years.

I wanted to share the Top 10 most read BLOG posts from this past year. (A link to each is embedded for your convenience.)

10) Leadership Adding to OthersJosh Greene adds value to all and he is still adding value to his family and those he serves in his community. I met Josh in 2004 and for just over five years he helped determine and support all that I was determined to do and be great as a member of my team.

9) Leadership From VolunteersWhile Blake Walker and I admire the subtly of humor; I also think of Blake Walker as just that in his role as a volunteer. I am so grateful for Blake and those I mentioned earlier. They teach and lead and give and teach others to lead and give.

8) Leadership Lessons from John huges (and my Wife) - Our life has been all these moments of love, leadership and John Hughes movies.

7) Wally Vision and LeadershipAs I've gotten older I've tried to look at things like that more and more with genuine gratitude - I can't think of a single conversation I've had with Wally since we met in 1983 that I have walked away from without a lesson - I try to be that for others as well.

6) Leadership and the Law of the LidThere is always room for forgiveness and redemption. I learned that lesson with Brian Kelly. My first impressions of Brian were that he had a big heart and needed to share that with others.

5) Leadership and Lasting Impact - Kelly Cullen helped define who I am and for helping me figure out my “why.” 

4) Leadership and LearningHaving someone who enjoys learning and applies that enjoyment to helping others learn is Megan Kelly'’s gift to me.

3) Leadership Lessons from the "Real Thing"I am in debt to Bill Gagliardi for all the lessons and the one about faith has been the most enduring.

2) What Gift is This Person Giving Me?John Maxwell says, “Whenever I see my staff, I put an imaginary “10” on the forehead of each individual. This helps me treat each person like a 10, a high performer who makes a difference to me and the organization. Inevitably, they respond as if they are a 10!

1) Thank A Teacher for a Pile of Leadership LessonsI will leave the simple concept and moral of the story here. I thank Bill for the wonderful lesson and the value he helped me to see in myself as I have shoveled my way through these many years. I am forever always, “looking for the pony.” 

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Lessons with Impact (Environmental Leadership)

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