Tuesday, August 3, 2021

2007 - Leadership Adding To Others


Josh (L) and family

(Fifty Nifty Years in the United States Series)

Josh Greene is an amazing soul that worked harder in one day than most people do in a week. He is from Georgia, USA (originally) and he was quiet and reserved; as well as an Eagle Scout. I know those things don’t seem to relate.

When I met him, I stayed in what was his home and became my family’s home. When you think of American, Southern hospitality, I think of Josh. I would ask him three questions and he would often answer with one or two word answers so I would often keep asking questions until I learned more about him.

He was always able to get things accomplished which I credit due to his Scouting background. I have been blessed with amazing young folks who work hard and I think of Josh when it came to working.

In my work with leadership development, I have used Myers Briggs as a way to determine not only personality types. It was a tool that l utilized with my support staff (what I call a directing team) on how they would work with one another. And more, it was great predictor on how they would communicate with one another.  During our support staff orientations we would spend an evening playing “Castle Risk” a version of the Hasbro/Parker Brothers RISK game. (I had mentioned this in previous BLOGs)

Knowing each person’s MB type allowed me to watch how they would potentially work together, collaborate and more importantly communicate. I could team Josh with anyone (with rare exception) and he would get things done and make his partner or alliances look good.

In one of my typical “standing” staff meetings, folks would share their top three priorities for the day. Josh would often go last and list how he had already take care of his top three and half of everyone else’s list before the morning program rotation at camp. John Maxwell calls this his Law of Addition.

It is what I learned from Josh in his steady, calm quiet resolve to do more than anyone else. It was never competitive in anyway; it was his gift to the team. Leaders aren’t always the loudest or most outgoing and the center of all things. As a leader, he was adding value to others by serving others in addition to his own work.

He captured alliances in what he did by being the one that got things done and could be relied upon to often solve the issue or challenge. When we had early morning programs, Josh was often the first one there who had everything ready to go. I imagine Josh continues to be that in all that he has done and all that he will accomplish.

I often think of one evening when Josh had a particular challenge in life and there was a knock on my door. Given the circumstances and knowing who he allowed in to his inner circle, I was astonished to see him and honored that he came to me for advice and support. I knew in that moment I had just become a member of a very special group of people. John Maxwell 11th Irrefutable Law of Leadership talks about a leader’s potential being determined by those closest to them.

Josh adds value to all and he is still adding value to his family and those he serves in his community. I met Josh in 2004 and for just over five years he helped determine and support all that I was determined to do and be great as a member of my team. I am honored to have been allowed in his inner circle for that time. For this I am thankful to Josh as I have traveled the past 50 plus years in these United States.

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