Friday, July 19, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (6 of 10)


Inspired by E.J. Lugo

This is our 5th week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking our staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers. They can lead to thoughtful conversations about summer goals and aspirations, setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

The questions are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team members know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question



Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the sixth set or 6 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1) How have you acknowledged and affirmed positive interactions in your cabin/activity area? (101 ways to praise a child…)

2) We’re halfway through, what’s keeping you to stay? (Camp can be difficult and seeking out why folks are motivated by is integral to motivation ad engagement)

3) How connected do you feel to your fellow staff members and campers? (Engagement often correlates with a strong sense of community and connection with others at the camp.)


Have another great week and check back for the next set of questions.

You can sign up for a daily dose of John at: Minute With Maxwell

I’m on If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts. #servantleader #youthdevelopment #servantleadership #alfcoaching

Follow me here or at:

Facebook Page for daily "Today's Essential Thoughts" 


Friday, July 12, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (5 of 10)


Inspired by E.J. Lugo

This is our 5th week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking our staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers. They can lead to thoughtful conversations about summer goals and aspirations, setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

The questions are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team members know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question



Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the fifth set or 5 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1) How has the spirit of camp light up in each child? (Caring, compassion, kindness, or other mushy value that is part of your vision and mission)

2) Is there something you sense you need that you are not getting? (support, sleep, items) When your personal issues get triggered, who or what helps? How do you ask for help?

3) What do you find most rewarding about your job? (Identifying what they find rewarding can help gauge what aspects of the job they are most passionate about.}


At the half way point of summer. Have a great session.

Check back next week for the next set of questions.

You can sign up for a daily dose of John at: Minute With Maxwell 

I’m on www.buymeacoffee. If you like my work, you can buy me a coffee and share your thoughts. #servantleader #youthdevelopment #servantleadership #alfcoaching

Follow me here or at:
Facebook Page for daily "Today's Essential Thoughts" 


Friday, July 5, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (4 of 10)


Inspired by E.J. Lugo

This is our 4th week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking our staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers. They can lead to thoughtful conversations about summer goals and aspirations, setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

The questions are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team members know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question



Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the fourth set or 4 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1) Are there any camper problems from home that have surfaced that concern you? or

Tell about each camper’s leadership moment? Tell me about a camper who took a risk with leadership?

2) Is there a piece of leadership you are struggling with?

3) Looking back at the orientation week, how do you feel about the training and support you’ve received? (Assessing their view on training and support can indicate whether they feel prepared and valued, which is crucial for engagement.)


I hope you and your team are having another great session.

Check back next week for the next set of questions.

You can sign up for a daily dose of John at: Minute With Maxwell


Follow me here or at:
Facebook Page for daily "Today's Essential Thoughts" 


Friday, June 28, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (3 of 10)


Inspired by E.J. Lugo

This is our 3rd week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking our staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers. They can lead to thoughtful conversations about, summer goals and aspirations, setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

The questions are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team members know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question



Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the third set or 3 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1)  What activities do each/all of your campers enjoy? Which camper is your most serious? Who is your silliest?

2) Who have you made friends with? OR Which staff member have you admired the most?

3) Can you share a memorable moment or highlight from your time here? (By now your engaged staff often have positive experiences they are eager to share.)


I hope you and your team our having a great week. Check back next week for the next set of questions.


You can sign up for a daily dose of John at: Minute With Maxwell


Follow me here or at:
Facebook Page for daily "Today's Essential Thoughts" 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (2 of 10)

Inspired by E.J. Lugo

This is our 2nd week of summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking your staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers.They can lead to thoughtful conversations about, summer goals and aspirations, setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

The questions are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team members know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question


Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the second set or 2 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1)  What campers are not buying into camp experience? What campers are having homesick issues on the second and third nights?

2) What did you not expect that happened this week?

3) How would you describe your experience working here so far? (The purpose of this open-ended question is to allow staff to express their thoughts and feelings about their job, which can indicate their level of engagement.)

My best to you and your team his week. Check back next week for the next set of questions.

You can sign up for a daily dose of John at: Minute With Maxwell

Follow me here or at:
Facebook Page for daily "Today's Essential Thoughts" 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (1 of 10)


Good Leaders Ask Great Questions

Inspired by E.J. Lugo

Every week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking your staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers.They can lead to thoughtful conversations about, summer goals and aspirations,  setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

My suggestion is front load this as part of your training and orientation so your team knows that you will be asking them. No surprises or "gotcha" questions.

Never do this!

These are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team member know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question


Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the first set or 1 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1)  Introduce me to your campers at the dining room table on the first night (At the first meal, fgo from table to table in the dining hall or that evening's activity - this makes sure that cabin leaders getting to know their campers)

2) What are hoping for this summer? (personally)

3) Remind me, (or cehck your notes and reask the question about how that is going) what motivated you to work at this summer camp? (Purpose is to understand their initial motivation and reveal their level of commitment and passion for the current role.)

My best to you and your team. Check back next Friday for the next set of questions.

You can sign up for a daily doss of John at: Minute With Maxwell

Follow me here or at:
Facebook Page for daily "Today's Essential Thoughts" 

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

2010 - Leadership Curriculum and A Copy of a Fax of a Copy of A Fax of a co...


Can you read this?
A document that has been copied and faxed several times.

In my work with summer camps and outdoor environmental education, I have encountered this concept at every organization I have worked with. My disclaimer is that I have always worked for small agency (non-profit) camps and resources were always a challenge. I know that there are larger operations that have different resources that perhaps allow for a better cohesiveness.

Here's what I know. 
Often times, what is called "tradition" (cue Fiddler on the Roof Soundtrack) is closer to "that's the way we have always done it." And as Ben Zimmerman noted in his Forbes article, "it could be the most dangerous phrase in business."

Let me describe the setting and a composite of many, many conversations. 

Picture a camp office set in 1987 or 1993 or 2000 or 2010 or 2016 (or any of the years in between). It is in California, Florida or New York. A 18+ year old is coming in to interview for a position as a cabin leader or activity leader at one of the summer camps that I have had the pleasure of serving over the past four decades. There have been nearly 5000 of these interviews in person, via phone, at a college recruitment or in modern virtual calls over that time period.

As we discuss the reasons why someone wants to work at camp the common answer has been, "I was a camper and "Forge" (Adam Haney, camp name of past staff) was my leader and he did..." And then they describe what he, she or they did and what an effect or influence it had on them. That statement is followed by, "I want to do the same for the campers this summer." 

As you may or may not know, I like to ask questions and I often ask more (peeling back the onion like Shrek) about a person from the answer that they give. My question to these answers is a version of, "what did they do..." and specify what action or activity that they did?

This is where it gets complicated. Many times they would describe an activity or "tradition"  (cue Fiddler on the Roof Soundtrack) and describe some fun (or perceived fun) camp activity or program. One example that came up multiple times at one camp was a ice cream party where the campers would file through a line and get an ice cream dish and the staff would be adding items (sprinkles, toppings, fudge, whip cream, etc.). However they would be throwing these items across the table and making a grand mess of things. Effectively a food fight or free for all.

(NOTE: I do not condone food fights. In fact I am abjectly against any food waste. Having served not for profit organizations and minimally our population had 1/3 of campers on financial assistance and lived at or below the poverty line. Food waste is not something that projects a mission or lesson that seems to line up with anything worthy of any organization.)

Other answers often reflected a program area that they saw a long time leader who was so adept at that program that they taught what seemed to be multilayered lessons and campers had no idea they were learning until reflecting later as the aged and matured. One leader Adam "Forge" Haney was greatly adept with his southern charm in providing leadership lessons on communication, team building, team work, and values clarification all while leading paint ball. He cultivated the culture of learning and leadership. And he applied what he learned to furthering the culture he described with the campers. 

These campers who were now applying for a position as a leader and believed that it all magically happened. Further, they had their ideas on how to make it even better. 

What I discovered well over 25 years ago, is that often, those activities were a reflection of what someone remembered that they saw or participated in and they wanted to convey that program from their memory. I do not believe that it was ever malicious or intentionally done with any intent other than their want to pay it forward.

The key word in that last sentence was "Intent."

My mentor, John C. Maxwell speaks about "Intentional Living" and wrote a great book about this. It was in that book that he states, "An unintentional life accepts everything and does nothing. An intentional life embraces only the things that will add to the mission of significance.”

Here's what I know, many folks get intent confused with preparedness and action. I had a team member about 15 years ago who was inspired during our staff orientation training week. He would engage in everything and constantly assured our leadership team that he would be the best staff person. He had great intent.

He did not have great follow through and was never prepared for the long days that working at a summer camp required. He pointed at those around him who he identified as being "successful." What he could not connect was that they were preparing their days and weeks and he was also chasing the schedule. 

As a leader, I learned a great deal from this one leader. What we failed to help him learn was how to prepare with something as simple developing the skill and putting into practice the tools that we shared during that staff orientation session. His success was our success and his failure was our failure. As John Maxwell says, "“A leader is great not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others.”

Our team had been creating "curriculum" for sometime for our activity leaders to follow. 

Sample Curriculum (page 1) from a camp in 2004
(thanks Kaley Krick)

We also had recently re-designed our staff evaluation tool. What we missed was helping new team members to develop the skills they needed to grow in their work.

It boils down to this in John's summary, "No one ever was successful with good intentions, but a lot of people are successful with good actions."

As a leader, take action to help those young team members learn and grow the skills that establish the program culture that lasts well beyond their time with your organization. After all, as the proverb goes, the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago and the second best time is now.

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (6 of 10)

    Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Inspired by E.J. Lugo This is our 5th week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you ...