Friday, August 2, 2024

Summer Staff Questions - Good Leaders Ask Great Questions Series (8 of 10)


Inspired by E.J. Lugo

This is our 8th week this summer, I'll be posting several questions that you should consider asking our staff team at Summer Camp.

These questions can help camp directors and supervisors assess the engagement levels of their staff, providing insights that can be used to enhance the overall camp experience for both staff and campers.

BACKGROUND: I spent several months in research and consultation with human resource professionals as well as the most common questions that monitor team engagement, establish connection with team, and help improve team engagement with your campers. They can lead to thoughtful conversations about summer goals and aspirations, setting priorities, and developing new ideas as well as skill enhancement.

Remember, all questions are like Ogres. Okay, if you don't get the reference, but here is the video link. Questions or layered and you can dig deep or go in a deep dive in a discussion.

The questions are organized into three categories. Chose to use one or all three. Just make sure that your team members know that they are going to be asked.

1) Camper Engagement Questions - designed to make sure that your team member is engaging with their campers.

2) Personal Development Question - designed to "check in" and connect with a team member.

3) Overall Check In Question



Engaging summer camp staff is crucial for a successful camp experience. Here is the eighth set or 8 of 10 questions designed to determine the engagement levels of summer camp staff:

1) How comfortable are you with awkwardness and tension (discomfort) within your group? What works to break tension? OR Are any behavioral issues causing tension in your cabin/activity group?

2) I recall that you said the following (answer to question from week one): How has that been realized or not? Give me three highlights from you summer experience?

3) What are your goals for the rest of the camp season? (Setting and striving for goals indicates a proactive and engaged mindset.)


Have a fantastic week and check back for the next set of questions.

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